Tucker Carlson enthüllt, dass er versucht hat, vor der Abstimmung im Repräsentantenhaus über die Ukraine-Hilfe ein Treffen zwischen Sprecher Mike Johnson und Putin zu arrangieren. „Ich habe ihm gesagt – warum fragst du nicht einfach bei Putin nach?“ Tucker wollte, dass der Sprecher des Repräsentantenhauses vor der Abstimmung wichtige Entscheidungen an Putin vorbeiführt 😡



  1. Kinks4Kelly on

    Great job putting Russian interests ahead of America by Trump voters.

  2. PsychologicalLog4179 on

    I wish Biden had the balls to lock up every right wing cuck for the treason they committed, toss em into GITMO and claim immunity as a presidential act. God knows that won’t happen but one can dream.

  3. Tjgfish123 on

    How long has Tucker been on the Russian tit? At this point I don’t see how we can deny it. Like is the CIA following this guy around because if they’re not they should be.

  4. PigeonsArePopular on

    Definitely always wise to conduct proxy war policy without any kind of diplomatic component at all

  5. Independent-Ad771 on

    Putin would set him up with money a hooker or youngster either sex and he will have another useful idiot in his pocket.

  6. TheGR8Dantini on

    JFC. Trudeau was just on record saying that Fucker Tarlson and Jordo Peterson were bring paid by Russia. He said it as the prime minister of Canada. Not some Redditor in a basement somewhere.

    If we’re not being led by Putin, he’s certainly at least working with the fascistic right wing. Like, WTF is going on and why aren’t we doing something about it? And if we are, why isn’t the public being informed?

    Carlson is a paid Russian stooge. As are at 600 others in the right wing disinformation sphere. This all seems very illegal.

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