Eine neue Studie stellt die Theorie in Frage, dass eine frühe Fruchtbarkeit vor allem Frauen aus benachteiligten sozioökonomischen Verhältnissen zugute kommt. Die Studie ergab, dass eine frühe Fruchtbarkeit unabhängig vom sozioökonomischen Status der Kindheit mit einem größeren lebenslangen Fortpflanzungserfolg verbunden war.

New research casts doubt on a popular theory in evolutionary psychology

1 Comment

  1. “The results contradicted the hypothesis that early fertility offers distinct advantages for women from low socioeconomic backgrounds. Women who had their first child at a younger age tended to have more children overall, regardless of whether they came from low or high socioeconomic status during childhood, in both Japan and the United States.”

    So, regardless of social status, women who started having kids early, ended up having more kids. Hardly controversial, but it also disproves the idea that women with stressful childhoods had a biological drive to have kids young because they feel like they’re going to die sooner.

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