Die Bundesbehörden wollen 411 Millionen US-Dollar zur Finanzierung der Gesundheitsversorgung von Flüchtlingen, da die Zahl der Neuankömmlinge steigt



  1. iforgotmymittens on

    > In 2016, the Liberals restored the program — which covers primary care, hospital visits, lab tests, ambulance services, **vision and dental care**, home care and long-term care, psychologists, counselling, devices like hearing aids and oxygen equipment, and prescription drugs, among other things.


  2. somerandomstuff8739 on

    So refugees in Canada get more complete healthcare than Canadians

  3. How about we take care of people who have lived here for decades and not “refugees” who skipped several safe countries to get here.

    Keep pushing this way and rioting will occur.

  4. Educational-Tone2074 on

    As a tax paying citizen, can I get some better healthcare, please?

  5. slumlordscanstarve on

    Close the doors and pull up the welcome mats. We cannot afford more people here. We cannot even afford to look after the people born here.

  6. New-Midnight-7767 on

    So for waitlists like for a family doctor, specialists, and tests like MRIs do they get bumped to the top of the list and make the wait for Canadians even longer? Or are they treated like everyone else, because from other things it looks like they get priority treatment.

    I have friends waiting years for MRIs, for specialists. Even cancer patients face waits. Our system can’t handle this many people but at the same time we reject over 90% of medical school applicants.

  7. le_noirlife on

    When Harper cut the program, there was a media assault on him with the usual he is a racist attack. Many people on Reddit are too young to know, but Harper took a hardline on refugees, and the usual suspects and liberals went all out with their attacks and invectives.

    So with all due respect, Canadians voted for this when they voted for Justin Trudeau. At this point, Canada is the useful idiot on the global stage.

  8. How do I go about renouncing my citizenship and becoming a refugee. I don’t even get dental and vision lol.

  9. Dice_to_see_you on

    want to know who else wants $411M extra for health care? tax paying canadians

  10. Choice-Buy-6824 on

    The truth is you can’t bring 1 million people a year to this country and not build more hospitals, more schools, more housing, more everything.

  11. To be frank, having talked to some, a lot of these people immigrate for economic reasons. They are economic migrants that use refugee programs, because they are not eligible under other programs. Refugee is someone running away from a place like Gaza. In this case, Canada should take as much as other countries like US in terms of percentage of population. The guy I talked to in pizza shop was Turkish. How come?

    The refugee program has legitimate use cases, but there is also a lot of scam and abuse of program.

  12. lazarus870 on

    Psychologists, too? Canadians don’t get that unless they have private insurance, and it barely covers anything.

  13. We gotta start saying no to refugee migration. It’s not fair to our kids. The more we accept the more we incentivize others to give it a try. And it’s not fair to the people who spent years going through the legal channels to get their PR.

  14. rtreesucks on

    Pretty standard for refugees, there’s a reason taking in refugees aren’t popular with people. There’s also fraud happening or people being economic migrants over actual refugees which makes people a lot less favourable toward supports.

    Ultimately it’s our government to blame for letting it get so out of hand

  15. Hot-Celebration5855 on

    Can anyone here who is still a Trudeau supporter justify their decision?

  16. Jabronie100 on

    Don’t accept them, 3/4 of these are just fake refugee claims. We cant afford this.

  17. Hold on, they get coverage for things we don’t? That’s absolutely absurd!

  18. Dapper_1534 on

    JT had made Canadian legal immigration a joke. Why go through proper channels when you can come here illegally and avail all the benefits, get paid more than 80K without any work and not pay a dime in tax. Congrats, we have become a banana republic.

  19. throwawaycarbuy12345 on

    Canadians don’t know the half of it. There are so many “refugees” and “asylum seekers” (these days there’s no seeming bar to claim as such). They are covered by Medavie under the IFHP. All your tax dollars for health services that are elective and non life threatening. Even undocumented have health services.

  20. LOL maybe they could use the money they’re trying to bribe us with in their ‘GST Holiday”

  21. I’m so done with this shit. No tax payer should support this.

    My friends that are doctors don’t get these benefits themselves but they have to give them away. Furthermore, there are refugees who have gotten a healthcard but refuse to use it because their asylum refugee card still works so they continue using it for years after becoming citizens.

    How is this not a crime? It’s not free money. It’s our country’s money. All Canadians work hard for this.

  22. Strong_Payment7359 on

    So when I retire, I’m going to sell everything move it to bitcoin, then tear up my passport and claim refugee status.

  23. Psychological_Fix184 on

    As Canadian taxpayers, we get nothing! 30% of my paycheck goes to the tax, and some of us even have to starve to pay our rent! The government is already giving $5000 per person for their hotel and food. How many Canadians can have $5000 after tax to take home? Why does the government keep giving away our money when most of us Canadians are suffering? The $250 Trudeau announced yesterday is nothing compared to what he gave or is giving to the refugees!

  24. Is there any way for me to renounce my Canadian citizenship and immigrate as a refugee?

  25. Courseheir on

    Why do Liberals care about these people more than Canadians? Why do they shovel our tax money, housing and healthcare at them?

  26. Organic-Pass9148 on

    Fuck no. How about no healthcare ffs. They haven’t paid into shit fuck all. What about everybody who was born here and paid into the system their entire lives

  27. Sparky4U2C on

    Imagine living in a country your entire life, paying taxes, raising kids and volunterring in the community only to pass away in a hospital waiting rooms to see a physician while others who never paid taxes in the same country get priority service. What a country. 

  28. Classic_Idea_5338 on

    Canadian priorities (top to bottom):
    Law abiding citizens,

    The woke ideology makes no sense, how can normal people support this???

  29. Interesting-Cause936 on

    Then they’ll ask why right wing views are on the rise

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