Die Realität des Lebens im Dorf Kapustin Jar, dem Startplatz des russischen Interkontinentalraketenangriffs auf die Stadt Dnipro. Der Start kostete Russland etwa 10 Millionen Dollar.



    1. idinarouill on

      Just a classic view of Orcland. I spent some time looking at the suburbs of big cities like Volgograd or Kursk, it’s just depressing.

      But I invite you to randomly follow the China-Russia border, the difference in population, agriculture and building is just astonishing.

    2. TheGreatOmazer on

      Top quality of life! Looks like my goat farm! Of course I’m using 70 year old hog sheds and I have no clue what I’m doing. Admittedly I also don’t fuck my goats, and I don’t have 2 sows and 1 cow to feed my whole fucking village. But to each there own.

    3. Intelligent_Sea_3195 on

      Looks like shit. Must be Ruzzia. Piece of shit people in a piece of shit country.

    4. Its a shame if you can imagine what Russia could crate with all that money…
      On the other hand cockroaches don’t care where they live

    5. Jonothethird on

      The church is the only nice thing. Imagine if Putin spent all the billions he spends on killing people on improving his own country! Sadly never going to happen in Russia, which is why it is destined to collapse one day.

    6. Sophrosyne_7 on

      Keep the population poor and you’ll have a large pool of willing cannon fodder. People with nothing to loose fall for any odd promise.

    7. Previous-Evening5490 on

      Ah yes, looks like it will withstand plenty of retaliatory fire.

    8. ScrollGnome on

      Where the hell is the HOA at? I have observed numerous violations. They’ll never win the neighborhood Yule decoration contest this year. Ever since Anastasia passed (I guess she finally succumbed to that growth on her face), the entire block has gone downhill. It’s a shame.

    9. Ive driven from latvia to moscow and this is basically what it all looked like until you get to moscow.

    10. Hourofthegoat on

      Attention local serf!! Here’s a looking at what hard earned tax money has gotten me… I mean you!!!!!!
      Enjoy firework show!!!!!!!!
      Not too much enjoy.

    11. True_Let_2007 on

      The sad truth is that in Russia approx 25% of the population lives in Moscow & St Petersburg metropolitan areas; the remaining 75% of the population means nothing for the system and for its power

    12. Interesting to see that Putin was there in person (image 5 in the middle)

    13. # “The launch cost Russia about $10 million.”

      Well, not quite. It cost that much when it was made. And to replace it would also cost a lot.
      Sending it will be a savings measurement, now they can close the silo and send the staff home.

      Just not replacing the used missile is cheaper than keeping the old one i working order.

    14. WannabeGynodoc69 on

      Russia owns sources of gold, oil, uranium, coal, steel… still, people live like it was 1947

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