Heftiger Schneefall sorgt in der Schweiz für Verkehrschaos und Unfälle


    Von Realistic-Lie-8031


    1. Realistic-Lie-8031 on

      I was biking home yesterday in Fribourg, and what a picture. I think people should consider them lucky that they made their way home with their cars!

    2. It boggles my mind. It was known for a week we’re gonna get this much snow. But here in Basel the whole public transport was not functioning this morning, and most sidewalks were full of snow.

    3. O til O friends. Or in English it is O to E. October till Easter: Winter tires. Never doubt it.

    4. zaxanrazor on

      Apparently Basel is known for being completely unprepared for snow no matter how much warning they get.

    5. shamishami3 on

      People should really use MeteoSwiss app or also simply the Weather app/widget of their smartphones

    6. tighthead_lock on

      >According to the cantonal police, the main cause of the accidents was insufficient distance between vehicles and inappropriate speed. The fact that many vehicles were driving on summer tires also contributed to the accidents.

      This is why I think we should get fewer cars on the roads. You can’t drive 5 Minutes without being tailgated or seeing someone speeding. And then these conditions come and you get rearended by some mouth breather in an Audi with summer tires.

    7. HF_Martini6 on

      Dense idiots in traffic cause accidents during minor to moderate snowfall in Switzerland

      ^there, fixed it for you

    8. mashtrasse on

      Heavy snow fall???? Is that a joke? Ok I was born 45 years ago in La Brevine valley I might be a bit biased but I don’t know any one who would call this heavy snow fall

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