PBO hält wegen Entlassungen im öffentlichen Dienst nicht den Atem an, da die Personalausgaben immer noch steigen



  1. Bob_Dole69 on

    >Personnel spending of $69B of a budget of $450B.

    >Deficit of $45B

    Seems like they need to do some cuts in other areas. Even a large cut in personnel of 10% would barely scratch our deficit. Especially with the recently discovered $5B of overages already.

    Edit: News just broke about the GST holiday and $250 cheques. Add another $6B to the deficit boys. LMAO.

  2. TheobromineC7H8N4O2 on

    Giroux should have been turfed years ago for how much he exceeds his mandate on these little excursions for the press gallery.

  3. Proof_Objective_5704 on

    Well, when they lay off people that bring in far more money than their salaries cost, it might not be great for the budget in the future.

    Yes, they laid off auditors and collections that bring in millions individually. Instead of targeted cuts, they told all departments to cut equally which is beyond stupid because some jobs are more important than others.

    This government is great when it comes to spending money, they’re very good at that. When it comes to implementing anything else, they are wildly incompetent.

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