Bewegung ist in jedem Alter unerlässlich. Der positive Zusammenhang zwischen der Einhaltung von Trainingsrichtlinien und dem Tod blieb über die gesamte Lebensspanne eines Erwachsenen bestehen und gewann mit zunehmendem Alter im Vergleich zu anderen Gesundheitsfaktoren wie Alkoholkonsum, Körpergewicht und Rauchen an Bedeutung


  1. Key Points


    Does age modify the associations between physical activity and all-cause mortality?


    In this cohort study using a pooled analysis of 4 multicountry megacohorts including more than 2 million individuals aged 20 to 97 years, the beneficial association between meeting the physical activity recommendation (eg, 150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity physical activity) and mortality was greater as age increased. For other modifiable health factors, the associations were remarkably smaller as age increased.


    The magnitude of the association between physical activity and mortality risk remains mainly consistent across the adult lifespan; therefore, promotion of physical activity is essential at all stages of adult life.

  2. AllanfromWales1 on

    Are recommended minimum activity levels not age dependent? One case in which they might be is ‘x paces per day’. Generally, in my experience, older people have shorter paces..

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