Republikanischer Stratege verurteilt Trumps „katastrophal schlechte“ Kabinettsbesetzungen und warnt, dass er „einen Preis dafür zahlen wird, dass er Clowns wählt, um Rechnungen zu begleichen“
Republikanischer Stratege verurteilt Trumps „katastrophal schlechte“ Kabinettsbesetzungen und warnt, dass er „einen Preis dafür zahlen wird, dass er Clowns wählt, um Rechnungen zu begleichen“
If any knows dirty politics it’s Karl Rove. So if he’s say trump is just out for revenge you should listen
That’s all he’s got left, he’s about to die (from totally natural causes).
We can only hope
But now he doesn’t care
He won’t pay any price. If he can rape children with his buddy Jeff, and no one cares, he can do anything. If his choices turn out bad…. blame immigrants or democrats.
When is this going to get through the rest of their thick goddamn heads; the GOP has long, long since lost control of their patsy. He will face zero consequences *for anything* just like he always has because he’s shielded from everything by a political bloc that cares about literally nothing except money, power, and “hurting the right people.”
He will face no consequences for any of his picks; he’s just going to hurt a lot of people over the next few years before succumbing to some ailment and dying in a fit of rage over the fact that he wasn’t able to hurt more.
The guy has been a rapist most of his adult life with little to no consequence. Maybe next time don’t miss.
He insists on ‘owning the libs’ and thinks somehow getting revenge will solve some deep emotional emptiness-but it won’t. The most incompetent cabinet picks, even by other republicon standards in history. But I see a beat down coming in the near future much worse than Paul vs Tyson. His Day One Plan aside from the sheer stupidity and idiocy is an economically and financially plan for ruin and budgetarily unsustainable.
Aside from the countless immigration court cases, people will lose homes they purchased but may have to walk away from, leaving banks holding the bag-just like the last republicon Bank meltdown of 2008. Renters will move away leaving landlords with zero income. How much will it cost to set up internment camps? How much will it cost to pay and feed the military and other support personnel?
People who know tax stuff say undocumented workers paid nearly 100 billion with a ‘B’ in federal taxes plus another 30 to 50 billion to SS and Medicare. How will we make up that revenue? Many small towns in America will begin to die just like back in the 80s. Small towns in MN, NE and IA have survived because of the farm labor of immigrants. Stores will close causing even more unemployment. Any progress or revitalization of rural America will be for nothing. All the gains made will become a financial drought and a glut of empty buildings on Main Street. The radical rightwing refuses to see the ‘real’ implications of their emotional jag. And they won’t change their mind until way after the damage is done.