In Trumps Regierung gibt es keine „Schwarzen Jobs“, obwohl sich eine Reihe schwarzer Republikaner für ihn eingesetzt haben


    1. Merci-Finger174 on

      I feel bad for Mark Robinson.

      Imagine self identifying as a Black Nazi and not getting a seat at the table on THIS Cabinet.

    2. They knew he is a racist. Did they think they were different? A con man’s gonna con and you all fell for it.

    3. Don’t worry, black people who voted for him because of the economy! He will *surely* lower your grocery bill with… ah ha… **tariffs!**

      Okay seriously I don’t understand why minorities thought that this thrice-married white man who went through six bankruptcies would represent their interests in any way, shape, or form, the more I think about it the stupider the rationalizations in my head sound

    4. The_B_Wolf on

      If you’re black, there’s always money to be made by telling white people what they want to hear. And there’s always some willing to take that money. But at the end of the day… you’re still black.

    5. If you voted for Trump as a minority thinking he was gonna help you you either had a lobotomy the day before you voted or you’re a fool who deserves everything that’s about to happen to you

    6. Who would have guessed? Seriously, did no one pay attention to him the first time?

    7. Overall_scar3165 on

      What is the surprising anybody? Trump is truly a racist to the core. He is never to be trusted or loved by anybody he’s a complete asshole.

    8. It is a resurgence of the Confederacy….did Black people think they would be treated as an equal.

    9. I’ll take “things anyone with two functional brain cells would have predicted” for $500, Alex.

    10. AgathaClouseau on

      Don’t worry. I’m sure HUD needs a black person for the job. Something, something urban.

    11. Igotthesilver on

      I can’t believe he hasn’t pegged Herschel Walker for a gig. His comments on bad air from China clearly qualify him to run the EPA.

    12. ratione_materiae on

      He should bring on Mark Robinson as head of cyber security and Kanye West as head of press relations 

    13. He’s not going to run again so he doesn’t give a shit about their votes now.

    14. FlexFanatic on

      Don’t worry, I believe there is a vacancy for the HUD department.

      The U stands for Urban which is for perfect for a Black Job /s

      I won’t be surprised if Hershel Walker is offered the job. Heck he has experience in the FBI and can run both departments.

    15. ConsciousReason7709 on

      If only we could’ve seen this coming a mile away 🙄. That’s 1 Hispanic man and ZERO Hispanic women, Black men, or Black women. When are people going to stop being played by the Republican party? Stop being suckers.

    16. restore_democracy on

      Sure there are. No doubt he’ll have some working in housekeeping and catering.

    17. AdministrativeBank86 on

      All that ass-kissing and uncle tomming for nothing, even Vivek doesn’t have any power

    18. Its like they really don’t believe he HATES them. Like hes got that reaaaal racism. Hard R’s and ropes from trees are the things his dreams are made of.

    19. hardtobeuniqueuser on

      How the fuck!? can any black person think think the orangeon represents them?

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