Steigende Lebenshaltungskosten – insbesondere für Wohnraum – führen dazu, dass die existenzsichernden Löhne in ganz British Columbia steigen
Soaring cost of living—especially for housing—causes living wages to increase across BC
Steigende Lebenshaltungskosten – insbesondere für Wohnraum – führen dazu, dass die existenzsichernden Löhne in ganz British Columbia steigen
Soaring cost of living—especially for housing—causes living wages to increase across BC
Building in income supports to these calculations seems flawed to me. Should be a true living wage calculation and then a separate government subsidy credit. You could show a net value but they should be calculated separately.
It would be much more interesting to see how badly costs are increasing.
I regularly see jobs requiring multi year college courses and desiring a couple of years of experience on top offering $19-21/h. Wages in this province are so out of touch with reality right now it’s honestly just kind of confusing. If you go to school for three years you should be making more than $2-3 above minimum wage. That’s less than a retail manager makes.