Prozentsatz der Muslime in kanadischen Provinzen.

Von ellatino230


  1. PersonalCatch1811 on

    Curios to know are the ones living in Nunavut and Yukon Native Converts or immigrants

  2. Timely-Surround-2306 on

    Good for Canada ,every country where muslim population is fastly increasing things go from good to better we have examples all over the world. So good luck and hopefully you guys will get to 100

    I see my sarcasm wasn’t clear enough

  3. Down_Voter_of_Cats on

    You think all 140 up in Nunavut know each other? Or at least know of each other?

  4. fIreballchamp on

    Imagine fasting from sun up to sundown during an arctic summer?

  5. theyre ok but most ive met were unpleasant to be around, personality issue tho

  6. People in the comment section unable to understand the difference between race and religion lmao

  7. FinnBalur1 on

    All minorities love Ontario.

    You’ll find the percentage likely to be similar for Jews, Sikhs, and Hindus in Ontario.

    I assume Quebec has a lot of French-speaking North Africans Muslims, as well as Lebanese and Syrians.

    Alberta’s Muslim population is likely newer and more Muslims went there in the last decade or so.

  8. I’d put everything I have on the bet that the percentage of Muslims in Canada will get to +10% before 2050.

  9. Altruistic-Hope4796 on

    I can’t believe religion is gaining ground in the developed world. It makes absolutely no sense but such is the cycle of humanity I suppose

  10. AnAntWithWifi on

    I’m Québécois and not surprised, many people from the Maghreb come here since they speak French, so it contributes to our French immigration quota. My own grandfather is from Tunisia!

  11. OneBee2443 on

    Canadians be like “bro Americans are so racist” but turn into KKK when they see a Muslim or minority

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