Warum ist die Zustimmungsrate des südkoreanischen Premierministers so niedrig? Ich habe gelesen, dass es jetzt noch niedriger ist, konnte aber keinen Grund dafür finden



  1. He just kind of sucks, approval ratings that low only occur when all major parties think you are useless

  2. infravision on

    Surprising you cannot find the reason why when there is an overflow of articles about him and his wife’s lies and corruption.

  3. Professional_Fox3837 on

    He’s a president, not a prime minister. And you just have to google his name and approval rating and you’ll find hundreds of articles on the subject. The tldr is he and his wife are constantly embroiled in scandals, people’s daily lives are getting worse under him, and he is clamping down on press freedom in a way that has an awful precedent in South Korea. He doesn’t have much going for him, even amongst people who support his party. If you look at approval ratings for his party as a whole, you can see that it is him specifically people have a problem with.

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