1. Civil-Dinner on

    If there wasn’t anything to hide, they wouldn’t be so hellbent on preventing its release.

    As a general rule, innocent people don’t really have a problem with reports that prove their innocence.

  2. The Justice department really gets involved in something so trivial as statutory rape. So the chance of DOJ involvement is literally nil.

  3. individualine on

    A rapist for AG.
    A spy for DNI.
    A zealot for Defense.
    An antivaxer for Health.
    A criminal for president.
    This is what Orwellian means and it’s all being done in plain sight

  4. MostlyBlini on

    Come on, use his full title, “Weird little demon ‘Mike Johnson'”.

  5. Slow_Cricket_6685 on

    Did they really think trying to cover up a child being raped WOULDN’T lead to further scrutiny? Fuck every single GOPedophile that facilitates children being sexually abused.

  6. Silly-Relationship34 on

    It’s hard to determine, between Johnson and Gaetz, which one of them is the creepiest.

  7. Ah so this is why Mikey doesn’t want it released. He’d probably lose his role as chair.

  8. Rabid_Alleycat on

    So let Gaetz be vetted for DOJ and present the report then. He’d have to resign from the 119th Congress to be vetted, and we Floridians will be rid of him. But, that may be relying on decent Republicans no vote against his selection. Sigh.

  9. “F ck him. I don’t want him back in congress. Let tump have him.” M johnson.

  10. SnarkSupreme on

    I hate that this is happening but I love that his dirty laundry is getting aired again. Same for Hesgeth

  11. NegativeCloud6478 on

    Bet gaetz wasn’t only one that wants that quiet. How many congressional buddies have similar secrets!! Oh I forgot, it’s gop. Either a sex offender or fake Bible thumper. Silly me

  12. PlayCertain on

    It’s pretty hard to cover this kind of stuff up. Johnson should have done his job but Under Pressure.

  13. Holiday_Horse3100 on

    Wonder if “holier than thou “ Johnson was involved in any of this since he is spending so much time trying to cover it up

  14. justmeandmycoop on

    Oh my, Mikey doesn’t want Matt’s stink sticking to him, too late bud

  15. Important_Tell667 on

    Morals, ethics, integrity, humility, honesty… all GONE fishing in the MAGA party.
    They’re nothing but a joke with Trumpism

  16. DeRabbitHole on

    We all know he won’t get the vote. This prick went after GOP members in the past and it will come back to bite him. F this puto.

  17. Anything that comes out of Bum-Boy-Extrodinaire Mike “Cuckhold” Johnson’s Jawbone Of An Ass mouth is like when it comes out of his owner’s mouth. (The Orange Shitpile)
    Not worth the time it took to listen to it, because it’s total fucking horseshit.
    He’s another one thar makes me physically ill.

  18. conundrum4u2 on

    Yep…he’ll make a *fine Attorney General…* puppet boy just has to kiss tRUMP’s ass, and do ANYTHING he says…EZ-PZ

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