Ein Einblick auf unsere Autobahnen aktuell


    Von petiteCaprice


    1. Iuseahandyforreddit on

      good luck, lots of trucks stuck on the main roads here in fribourg…

    2. Severnum15 on

      Is there a siet or anything to see road status between lausanne and neuchatel? (like webcam ect)

    3. Seems like a lot of congestion, we should widen these motorways to solve the problem

    4. zaxanrazor on

      Not sure what happened but in our village no one bothered to salt the roads even though we knew snow was coming for a week.

    5. Yes, weather makes driving slower. More news at 19:30. If you do more lanes, that’s going to take even longer to clear, because there’s more to clean.

    6. Fanaertismo on

      How can somebody come here and say “take the train and you won’t have these problems”? Just this Monday all morning trains Geneve-Lausanne at rush hour were disrupted.


      If you leave far from work you are subject to delays and issues. If you think there are magical solutions is because you don’t leave far from work, I guess.

    7. bikesailfreak on

      Good that we expand the highway because there won’t be snow on the new sections/s…

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