Die Trudeau-Regierung kündigt 250-Dollar-Schecks für einige Kanadier sowie GST-Kürzungen bei Lebensmitteln, Bier und Kinderkleidung an



  1. Professional_Math_99 on

    > The Liberals are offering up a two-month GST holiday and a $250 cheque to Canadians for the holiday season.

    > The GST cut would be applied to children’s clothes, toys, diapers and car seats. The Christmas tree those toys would go under would also be covered by the GST cut. It would also cover beer, wine and cider and many grocery items that are currently subjected to GST, like pre-made meals and salads as well as chips and candy.

    > Canadians who don’t feel like cooking themselves would also be covered, because the GST will not apply to restaurant meals during the two-month period.

    > The GST cut would run from Dec. 14 until February 15 and is estimated to cost $1.6 billion. For a family spending $2,000 over that two-month period, the government estimates a $100 savings.

    > Any Canadian who worked in 2023 and made less than $150,000 would also qualify for a new Working Canadians Rebate of $250, expected to be delivered in early spring. The government estimates the rebate will go to 18.7 million Canadians.


    I was critical of Ford when he announced the same thing. I support the Liberals but I have to be critical of Trudeau for the same.

    Both of these feel like the government trying to buy voters through tax payer dollars. Don’t get me wrong I’m happy to get the money but I’d much rather they make long lasting better changes, to improve our lives instead of this one time fix.

  3. BitingArtist on

    This is…literally cash for votes. But I’m okay with it because they’re worse at spending my money than I am.

  4. etoyoc_yrgnuh on

    Basically saying, I know you’re all stupid here’s some chump change. Now vote for me.

  5. Illustrious-Fruit35 on

    Is that 150k household or individual? I might actually get a rebate.

  6. SackBrazzo on

    Are we taking the over or the under on this vote buying exercise lifting their polling by 3 points?

    I’m taking the under.

  7. physicaldiscs on

    Shortly after the PBO tells us that the government has blown through its spending guard rails, they announce they are going to stop collecting a bunch of tax money *AND* give out $4.7 billion in rebates.

    All because they don’t want to supply the documents parliament has ordered them to….

  8. banevader699 on

    wow we can have a tiny amount of our own money back? wow. thanks supreme leader!!

  9. I can’t say I expected Doug Ford and Justin Trudeau to have the same re-election plan of sending everyone free money.

  10. CulturalArm5675 on

    My rich friends are getting tax cut on their $1000 dinner with $500 bottle wine lol.

    Kind of funny

  11. Totally unserious government. They remove GST on alcohol but won’t remove GST on gas?

    And we wonder why economic productivity continues to decline?

  12. Wonderful, so chips will be 5% cheaper at Loblaws who will then increase the price by 5% so we pay the same and they make more.

    Come February GST returns and prices go up 5%.

  13. desperation setting in…. The Liberals see the writing on the wall. This won’t do it for them IMO.

  14. OriginalCultureOfOne on

    “Canadians who don’t feel like cooking themselves would also be covered…” This is why punctuation matters. I don’t feel like cooking, myself, and I certainly don’t feel like cooking myself.

    On a separate note: I’m not so impressed by the $250 for people with decent employment income, and NOTHING for the self-employed or unemployed (again). I’ve fallen between the cracks for every government program since CERB, while people who earn 10-20x as much as I do seem to qualify for repeated government handouts.

  15. FlowMaleficent4843 on

    Give me 1 week in Ottawa to look over the books and set them up a budget. I guarantee I could do a better job.

  16. WTFisaKilometer6 on

    He’s buying votes with taxpayer dollars because he’s doing poorly in the polls, the Liberals are tied with the NDP in the most recent Abacus poll.

    Trudeau also knows his time left is limited, so why not try to ruin the budget further so that he can blame whoever who takes over the reins?

  17. Awww yah tax cuts on a depressant so you can manage through life.

    Canada 2024

  18. MCRN_Admiral on

    LOL he one-upped Ford by $50

    Who’s going to offer $300? Anyone? Hello? Bueller?

  19. bannab1188 on

    $1.6 billion. How will that be made up? Oh, permanently cutting down the public service for a 2 month GST holiday on certain items.

    This government is so clueless.

  20. cut income tax on the people who are working full time – tax the rich who do nothing except live off their high savings

  21. That is absolutely hilarious that they think a total savings of 100 bucks on 2k spent and a 250 dollar rebate means absolutely anything 🤣

  22. TiredEnglishStudent on

    Lol so the king of performative  multiculturalism is pausing tax on Christmas trees and Christmas gifts? Like that’s nice and all but really doesn’t help the Canadians who don’t need a Christmas tree and won’t be buying Christmas gifts. Like I’m just trying to put food on the table, but thanks for the tree I guess. 

  23. 250 dollars? wow, that’s half a trip to the grocery store. Thanks dude!

  24. juiceAll3n on

    Smells like election season. Still doesn’t fix anything. What about TFW and LMIA fraud? Can’t wait to boot this guy out of office next year.

  25. They are not getting anything done until they release the reports on where the “green slush fund” money was sent.

    If this a strategy to pressure conservatives to move on without seeing that report, it will fail

  26. LairdOftheNorth on

    I thought Ford was an idiot for issuing cheques before a potential election. Didn’t think Trudeau would follow his lead!

  27. Can these cocksuckers stop buying votes with my hard earned tax dollars?

    For fuck sake stop spending money

  28. FestusPowerLoL on

    Hey man, I’ll take the tax break on groceries. For a lot of us penny pinchers, this is very much welcome. Doesn’t disillusion me from what the Trudeau governments done, but I’m not gonna complain about this.

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