Jennifer Lawrence wehrt sich gegen Trolle, die sie „nicht gebildet“ genug nennen, um „über Politik zu reden“, und sagt, ihre Familie habe sie ermutigt, kein Taliban-Dokument vorzulegen


  1. >Given the subject matter, Lawrence said that “my family and friends definitely encouraged me not to [produce the film]. It’s dangerous. Of course it is. But there is 20 million women whose lives are in danger.” The Oscar winner has also been combating online trolls claiming she is not educated enough to be involved with this subject matter.

    >“[Trolls] always say different things,” Lawrence said. “I did a ’60 Minutes’ interview once where I explained that I dropped out of middle school, so I technically am not educated. A common one with this [documentary] is ‘why is someone without an education trying to talk about politics?’ To that I say it’s not political, it’s peoples lives.”

    >“It’s political in the sense that you should push your congress people and you should get involved to make our government more accountable,” she added, noting that the UN needs to better recognize gender apartheid. “I don’t find it political. I am educated in filmmaking. I am educated in telling stories.”

  2. Question4theppl5 on

    We are all not educated on one topic or another until we are willing to shut up and listen.

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