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Good, she’s under 18 and he’s an adult. He’s a pedophile.
Unfortunately, you must obey the law when in foreign lands.
Dubai law is clear on this: the age of consent is 18 there. The girl he had sex with was 17 and therefore could not consent.
Unlucky son. Should have kept it in your pants. They really need to educate people on the law in Dubai before they visit.
Just another reason to make sure you read up on laws in other countries.
As if an 18 year old going on a family holiday with his parents is going to know that having sex with someone a couple months younger than himself is illegal
Shame on the mother of the girl reporting that. Hopefully he can return home soon but if he doesn’t hopefully she lives with the guilt for the rest of her life, which I very much doubt she would
It’s interesting that the mother waited until her daughter was back in the UK before reporting it. She would have been held too.
Shit I hope there is intervention soon. He’s probably terrified.
Why not just deny it? Surely they don’t have proof.
I love all these people in the comments talking about reading other countries laws. 100% guarantee none of you do that.
So they aren’t claiming he’s not guilty, rather they doesn’t respect that other countries have different laws. Granted I hope his case is expedited and a guilty plea with his mitigation ensures a light punishment so he can leave UAE immediately.
I do suspect this article won’t help him though as his family actions indicate they don’t respect the law and it could be classed as an aggravating factor in court.
You just don’t go to the middle east & literally fuck about. He’s doing jail time.
Poor lad. The girls parents obviously didn’t care about the legality of their relationship and just want revenge. Vindictive, controlling bastards.
Didn’t there used to be adverts on tv about follow a countries law when abroad?
May get downvoted but why would you visit a country and not know the key ways in which it is different to the UK?
It wasn’t too long ago that you had to be married to have sex in Dubai. I recall a friend having to marry his long time girlfriend (who he had a kid with) because he’d taken a job in Dubai so she could visit.
Is it unfortunate that this young man got caught? Absolutely, but I don’t see why we should try to dictate our laws onto another sovereign state.
This sub goes spare whenever there is any suggestion that UK laws should be bent for people from abroad.
Back in the olden days Roman citizens were untouchable because Rome would take great retribution if any harm came to one of it’s citizens.
The Romans didn’t even have Nukes… we do.
Why are we letting these tin-pot countries with barbaric cultures imprison our citizens?
If Dubai harm one hair on this patriotic shaggers head then I expect severe nuclear retribution.
I used to travel to Dubai with work, and I used to take my partner. We weren’t married so we booked separate hotel rooms.
To me, it’s a matter of respect: check the laws of the country you’re travelling to and respect them (or just don’t go).
Know the country your in. Breaking strict laws in a country like this is stupid
Grass on the wicket let’s go to middle eastern jail.
If it was a white man we’ve got to be honest the tone would be to blame Dubai rather than the guy.
The double standards of our media and some of the low IQs who live here is startling