Elon Musk und Vivek Ramaswamy enthüllen den Plan, alle Menschen arm und arbeitslos zu machen.



  1. TomorrowLow5092 on

    Elonia especially wants America to be his personal fiefdom to conquer. Trump will burn the Constitution and replace it “We The Rich” there goes America.

  2. When you look at what Trump wants to do, objectively, it’s impossible to argue with this headline. Everything will be more expensive, by policy unemployment rates will increase substantially, inflation will increase drastically… Basically yeah, the plan is to fuck the economy, raid it, then shit it back out again.

  3. To hell with citizen, employee and natural resources protection. Executive rule by Herr Trump.

  4. individualine on

    Maga mantra. Number one: attack, attack, attack. Number two: admit nothing and deny everything. And rule number three: no matter what happens, you claim victory and never admit defeat.

  5. BusinessAd5844 on

    So a man who builds electric cars that blow up and another pharma-bro grifter wants to lay millions of people off?

  6. My Brother thinks America will fall like the Roman Empire. We live in the same household. We aren’t an Empire like Russia wants to be again. He’s a Bible Thumper-in-training.

  7. Dapper-Percentage-64 on

    I think it’s time to start eating the rich. No justice no peace

  8. Goal-Final on

    And put Qanon Shamans to work in the place of the federal employees

  9. ShittyStockPicker on

    Add 5 justices to the court who will block additional judges from being appointed

  10. timetogetoutside100 on

    so you think that in 1-2 years that even MAGA could realize what it has unleashed, well at least some of those voters?

  11. Nervous_Otter69 on

    This is nice in theory until vulnerable republicans in districts reliant on government jobs go to Trump and explain how they’ll get wiped out at midterms. And save the hyperbolic “if there’s another election” shit – it’s dangerous for them to float the idea but it’s more dangerous to even entertain it being a possibility.

  12. BadUncleBernie on

    The working class have the real power if they ever get inclined to use it.

  13. SpacklingCumFart on

    So they are going to blow up the economy and when it hits rock bottom raid it, buy everything and consolidated everything to be under their umbrella and control. This is 100% a plan to create an oligarchy.

  14. BoglisMobileAcc on

    The whole point is to fuck up america to a point where all the billionaires can split it up amongst themselves. Russia on steroids and the aftermath will make the world unrecognisable. It will embolden russia and china to start more wars of conquest.

    These billionaires want to rule even if its just ash and rubble.

  15. Kaiju_zero on

    I work in a food place and sometimes we have to go and get emergency stuff at Gordons.

    On Monday, we needed lettuce – I got bags at $4.49 (was $3.89 last time I went) the next day I had to get more and it was not $4.99.

    They also restructured our pay – I used to get mileage reimbursement that was added to my hours, giving me sometimes $120-$180 extra ontop of my hours – now, its not listed there, but rather down under my tip total as a deduction to the tip total to “Lower my taxes” So, in effect, what Im supposed to get paid is now just a deduction on my taxes which means rather than say $150 extra, I’m paying maybe $15 less in taxes on $150 less of total income.

  16. prankenandi on

    “This would liberate individuals and businesses from illicit regulations never passed by Congress and stimulate the U.S. economy”

    I guess that’s all you need to know. More unleashed capitalism.

  17. MayOrMayNotBeAI on

    Can we get the protests back up and running? I’m so tired of everyone bending over and taking it

  18. They are businessmen. They want no regulation or over-site. Free to pollute, abuse, and reck havoc to make money. Make America Great Again…bring back slums, child forced labor, and disease. All so a few wealthy can be wealthier.

  19. QuantumSasuage on

    Instead of leveraging the expertise and strategies of existing departments, these two hatchet-wielding clowns plan to *”determine the minimum number of employees required at an agency for it to perform its constitutionally permissible and statutorily mandated functions.”*

    Here’s the problem: this approach completely ignores the real-world problems these departments are solving today in favor of some arbitrary baseline of “constitutionally permissible” or “statutorily mandated” functions. It’s a shortsighted, reductionist mindset that prioritizes cuts over competence.

  20. Repulsive_Mud_567 on

    All Americans should have lead in their water, questionable food safety, cars that kill them and non-tested and evaluated drugs pumped into their bodies at astronomical prices. That is true freedom (for people like musk who will profit of their misery)

  21. No-Education-9979 on

    The article says they will lean a leading experts and advanced technology to recommend cuts to government. Who wants to bet they ask chatGPT “how do I cut half of all government jobs” while paying Diablo and send it in after 2m of “work”.

  22. YuriNeytor on

    The people voted for the Group that said “people will endure economic hardships”

    That’s on them and I hope they suffer the consequences of their actions, but even if they do, they will always shift the blame to anyone else but them.

  23. belliJGerent on

    I think it’s kind of comical though. Most Americans have enough right now that they’re scared to lose that helps keep them in line, even though they see and are pissed off about the ones pulling the strings behind the scenes.

    What do they think is going to happen when people have nothing to lose? I don’t think it will work out well for the elites if they try to follow through with that plan.

  24. throwawtphone on

    Well in a country unlike a business the authority/ power is supposed to flow from the governed to the elected officials.

    Everyone in America has forgotten that unlike a business the constituents are the bosses and the politicians are supposed to act on our behalf to do our will.

    Voting a person in or out is basically hiring or firing our employee.

    But since the general public would rather not be bothered…..tryanny it is i guess.

  25. Phoenix_667 on

    It’s ok, Fox News will tell everyone that everything is booming and no one will worry while they starve.

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