Belgische Händler schlagen Alarm wegen „unlauterem Wettbewerb“ mit chinesischen Webshops wie Shein und Temu

Von EdgarNeverPoo


  1. I really don’t understand why everyone goes to shein and especially temu. It baffles me how much we care until we absolutely don’t give a f*ck. Because, “hey, look at those shiny items as cheap as possible, give me everything.”

    Temu literally has access to everything on your phone. Going from pictures to audio recording.

    And not even talking about the items on there, made in the most unethical way possible.

    Just ban it.

  2. Stap 1: maak dat wat je zelf verkoopt niet gewoon ook 100% polyester is. Enige verschil is vaak dat het gewoon steviger plastiek is.

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