John Prescott stirbt im Alter von 86 Jahren. Von FISH_MASTER
Tartan_Samurai on 21.11.2024 6:12 AM A giant of politics, didn’t always agree with him, but I did respect him.
After-Dentist-2480 on 21.11.2024 6:15 AM Rest in peace, JP. You added a million votes to the Labour total when you thumped that bloke with the mullet.
clatham90 on 21.11.2024 6:18 AM RIP Two Jags. May he forever be thumping egg throwers in the great beyond.
A giant of politics, didn’t always agree with him, but I did respect him.
Rest in peace, JP.
You added a million votes to the Labour total when you thumped that bloke with the mullet.
RIP Two Jags. May he forever be thumping egg throwers in the great beyond.