Hisbollah-Rakete trifft Kindergarten im Norden Israels, wenige Minuten nachdem die Kinder gegangen sind



  1. macross1984 on

    Phew, tragedy avoided by miracle. Thank goodness no children were injured or killed.

  2. Fotze_Mann on

    Such a kind and caring organization, making sure that the children have left before letting the missiles hit the school!

  3. Isn’t Akko a town with high Arab population? Not that they ever cared..

  4. BoysenberryLanky6112 on

    Maybe we should block weapons transfers to the people fighting Hezbollah and pressure them to do a cease fire with them, right?

    /s obviously

  5. How could this be? All the redditors tell me Hezbollah are misunderstood good guys.

    Let me guess, Hezbollah deliberately waited for school to adjourn /s

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