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Room needs some cleaning. And could be tidied up.
Fucking hell, thats grotesque! Simple hygiene would dictate you segregate sleeping space from cadavers!
He’s lucky it isn’t high summer with all that meat going off. Appropriate of him to wave bye bye at the end.
the dude is acually smiling.. what an asshole
0:43 sharing their will be tomb with a mummy
Do they really have to sit in the same room as them? This is bizarre.
Waiting for comrade Boxscvensky to deliver more wooden caskets. Gotta keep him in business.
Imagine the smell.
Ruzzians are weird man, at least pile the bodies in a corner. That one dude had a corpse at his feet ffs 😂
Anyone know where they are?
Welcome to rUZZIAN Maniac channel!
They won’t have mental issues in the future i’m sure .
there are several ovens in there. I wonder if it was a boiler room or crematorium, which would describe why the guys aren’t fully dressed in combat gear (the dead ones)
How clean is your house contenders
The smell must be brutal.
Out of all of the rooms in that building, they chose to hang out in the one with all of the bodies. At least move the bodies to a different room damn lol.
At least the windows are open for fresh air
There looks to be much better sleeping spots than the one he chose
Translation ?
Translation please. I am curious what all those blyats are about.
“Not the greatest AirBnb experience. Sure, for $10 per night I wasn’t expecting much. But look at this place. Beds are uncomfortable as fugg and there are corpses everywhere.”
Really should compartilize thdle dead from the living even if they were surrounded and can’t venture out of the building. Seems like they just dgaf since they know they don’t got much time left themselves.
Wow, they have lost the humanity plot for sure. WTF are they doing hanging out with their stripped dead?
They’ve lost all will to do anything. They don’t even have the energy to segregate the dead. They’re waiting for death themselves.
When I saw that the guy towards the end wasn’t dead and was just napping in a PILE OF CORPSES all I could say is WTF IS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE?
One of the sickest and weirdest videos I’ve seen from the war
Fucking weirdo just laying down around a bunch of dead rotting bodies
Like animals.. laying around with corpses. Look at these people? And we expect them to do the right thing?? Ha.
“He died with his dong out” is the Russian equivalent of “He died with his boots on”.
They keep them close by so they have something to cuddle when they start hearing the ukrainian language and boots.
At the very least i’d move the corpses or relocate, that is grim but then they are use to being surrounded by their expired countrymen.
You mean, by the guests of honor.
🌟 “Place was dusty. Would not stay again”