Walmart, das Heiligtum der Kirche von MAGA, sagt, dass Trump-Zölle zu höheren Preisen führen könnten


  1. PreparationKey2843 on

    *”It don’t matter, as long as we own the libs!”*

    Biting off their noses to spite their faces.

  2. Relevant_Demand7593 on

    They will still blame Biden, it couldn’t possibly be the orange messiah’s fault.

  3. Cool-Protection-4337 on

    Could??? They absolutely will. They won’t bring jobs back either. We just get to eat the high prices from here on. Good thing though as we won’t be able to get food to eat.

  4. Traditional_Key_763 on

    they’ll go to Rural King instead! the 99% Made-in-China store that pretends to be Maga walmart

  5. I see stupid people commenting, that have zero idea. Dim the lights, everyone, to make them seem brighter.


    Oh no! Cheap Chinese crap will now be expensive Chinese crap.
    Stop buying Chinese Crap!

  7. walmart makes more money, when you are charged 20 percent more to import a $1 widget that you sell for $1.50 , you now actually make 10cents more per widget after you pass on the price increase to the buyer. Walmart ain’t stupid

  8. One-Guilty-Finger on

    Walmart has done more to drive manufacturing out of the US to China than any other company. I heard firsthand from two sources who each went to Bentonville to pitch products to Walmart that the first question out of the Walmart executives’ mouths was “why aren’t you making this in China?” This was confirmed by a close friend of mine who worked on the marketing side of their corporate offices. Imagine the vast scale of the products Walmart sells. They have a lot of clout. They also quietly took down the “USA” signs in their stores. 

  9. Jasonam1811 on

    You think it matters at this point. People are used to paying more under Biden/Harris

  10. Tiddles_Ultradoom on

    It’s okay. Walmart can offset some of the tariffs by raising the prices of local produce.

    Such as eggs.

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