Conestoga bietet den Lehrkräften ein Vorruhestandsangebot an, die Zahl der internationalen Immatrikulationen ist drastisch gekürzt worden


  1. New-Midnight-7767 on

    If your business model relies on exploiting international students and results in a declining quality of life for Canadians then I’m sorry but you don’t deserve to stay in business.

  2. Nice!! Love to see this is on the table and that this school has been forced to adapt to a new climate

  3. ishida_uryu_ on

    Expecting the same news to come out from all colleges within the next 12 months.

    No PGWP means no international students, which means no more million dollar salaries for CEOs of these colleges.

  4. Ok_Text8503 on

    Why is this posted? The article is old . It says it was last updated on May 1st and today is November 20th….

  5. JasonAnarchy on

    Went there in the early 2000’s and it was a great college. Sad to hear it started relying on exploitation of international students.

  6. horce-force on

    No sympathy for anyone who uses the immigration crisis to line their own pockets. These colleges are a big part of why immigration has exploded.

  7. compassrunner on

    Conestoga has ruined their reputation by becoming a diploma mill. Maybe they were a real school once, but they are a joke now. Not feeling much sympathy for them.

  8. VPestilenZ on

    why post a 6 month old article? A few colleges did this back in the summer as a part of their austerity measures.

  9. Wafflesorbust on

    This article is from April/May, to all those only reading the headline.

  10. I_poop_rootbeer on

    By betting on one golden goose, they’ve tarnished their reputation for potentially decades to come. “Conestoga” is now synonymous with “low-quality diploma mill”.

  11. thebigdog2022 on

    Nobody cares, colleges have been diploma mills for decades. And if a small school board can waste hundreds of thousands on a trip to Italy, imagine what the colleges are wasting

  12. Can we get some kind of flair for this that it’s from April? These news bots are killing the sub.

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