Dänemarks BIP wuchs im dritten Quartal 2024 um 3,9 % gegenüber dem Vorjahr, gegenüber 3,4 % gegenüber dem Vorjahr im Vorquartal, eine schnellere Rate als vor COVID


Von Straight_Ad2258


  1. cherryfree2 on

    Enjoy the growth while you can. Trump’s tariffs might put a stop to it soon.

  2. Like betting high on renewable energy doesn’t crash your economy? Who would have thought.

  3. Middle_Trouble_7884 on

    What the heck, that’s almost as high as emerging economies! What’s the secret? Don’t tell me it’s just Ozempic and Wegovy (both made by Novo Nordisk).

  4. kakao_w_proszku on

    Surely this cannot all be due to Novo? What would be the growth rate without them?

  5. Potential-Focus3211 on

    So if Southern Europe isn’t struggling anymore, Belgium isn’t struggling (for the short term), not even Netherlands is struggling, I guess it’s mostly just Germany, France and the UK that are the sick men nowdays?

  6. A massive thank you to all the obese people around the world… we love you and every ounce of fat on your body. Denmark

  7. suiluhthrown78 on

    ✅ More innovation from EU member states that solves problems

    ❌ Less regulation from failed national politicians who fall upwards into comfy EU positions and dont even understand what they’re regulating

  8. perché hanno messo molti voli aerei dall’Italia e siamo venuti a mangiare nei ristoranti antipasto, primo piatto, secondo piatto, dolce e caffè

  9. nocountryforcoldham on

    Should be two separate mete8cs with and without the anti fatso drugs

  10. nocountryforcoldham on

    Should be two separate metrics with and without the anti fat drugs

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