Netanjahu bietet den Palästinensern 5 Millionen Dollar für jede israelische Geisel, die sie freilassen


  1. Timely_Departure_342 on

    He’s trying to shift the blame on others, because he will not do anything to free the hostages that interferes with his plans for a Palestinian free Gaza

  2. NobodyLikedThat1 on

    why offer to give them money they will never survive to spend? They’ll be killed as collaborators long before Israel finished writing that check.

  3. Profound-Madman on

    Brother you killed most of them bombing the fuck out of where they were twenty four hours a day for 13 months…..

  4. beepbeep_immajeep on

    If they bring a hostage then obviously they are hamas and gets shot so no i think i would pass

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