Das Mohawk College will ab Anfang Dezember Hunderte von Mitarbeitern entlassen



    1. blackmoose on

      So another ‘Timmigrant’ phoney school is losing money? Cry me a river.

      These places were the beach head of immigration abusers so, of course, they’ll be the first domino to fall.

      Things are looking up!

    2. compassrunner on

      “Steinburg declined to share which have the highest international enrolment.”

      No kidding. It probably reflects poorly on them to release that detail.

    3. Kristalderp on

      > Expected layoffs represent about eight to 16 per cent of the college’s workforce of 1,200 full-time staff and about 1,250 part-timers, a number that can fluctuate throughout the year.

      Gonna bet that a lot of these getting cut is gonna be part timers (no tenure, no benefits to pay out) and teachers who are working with ‘elective’ programs.

      Can’t feel bad for a college that abused the hell out of the international student programs for profit these past 5 years.

    4. marksteele6 on

      It’s really unfortunate what happened with these colleges. With the province freezing tuition for domestic students they looked to a different source of revenue. While there’s nothing inherently wrong with that, the problem arose when they started competing with each other for more and more students.

      They added more and more facilities and more and more bloat to make themselves attractive to international students, their major revenue source, and now we’re seeing the outcome of that. Hundreds, if not thousands, of lost jobs and the loss of facilities that could have also been used to train domestic students.

      The frustrating thing is this all could have been prevented if the province had just funded things properly in the first place.

    5. Mohawk only had an increase of ~3700 international students from 2018-2023.

      Conestoga College had an increase of ***24363*** international students in that same timeframe, >6x more

    6. MiserableLizards on

      What will they do with the windfall from the good times?  

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