Forscher haben ein neues kristallines Material entwickelt, das ohne Energieaufwand Wasser aus Nebel gewinnen kann


  1. giuliomagnifico on

    >The researchers chose three chemically versatile organic compounds from which they grew elastic organic crystals. They then tested how each of these materials interacted with the airborne water, which led to the creation of the new water-collecting materials, Janus crystals, that contain both hydrophilic and hydrophobic regions on the surface level, one to capture water and one to transfer it to a receptacle for collection. The Janus crystals capture humidity from humid air with the highest-to-date water collection efficiency. The crystals’ narrow and light-translucent structures enable researchers to monitor the collection and condensation of fog droplets in real time by using light.

    Paper: [Efficient Aerial Water Harvesting with Self-Sensing Dynamic Janus Crystals | Journal of the American Chemical Society](

    I think the elephant in the room here is the price of this process

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