Der 97-jährige D-Day-Veteran starb, nachdem er im Pflegeheim an einem englischen Frühstück erstickt war

Von Fox_9810


  1. MrPloppyHead on

    As sad as this is I am really not entirely sure why this is news in a national news paper.

  2. Uniform764 on

    Sad, but unfortunately an outcome that’s not unexpected with dementia and an impaired swallow. Short of stopping them from eating, which is one of the few pleasures left at that age, and forcing an NG tube down their throat, which has its own risks there’s not really a lot that can be done.

  3. BlackSpinedPlinketto on

    Well, better than dying on D-day! Hero, legend. Died doing what he loved so much love and respect to him.

  4. 30fps_is_cinematic on

    Respect. died like eating a full English like a proper patriot. Not like this generation who’d probably rather die eating a woke avocado toast

  5. Sad for the family and all involved, but Old Man dies of being an Old Man isn’t going to be as much of an enticing headline.

  6. AutismGiver on

    Damn, what a way to go. It could’ve only been better if someone was also choking on *him*.

    I hope my death is half as cool as this.

  7. RossDouglas on

    Survived D-Day only to be taken out by a sausage. This is how I want to go.

  8. Squaregogh on

    What a sad way to go. Guy survives D-Day and is then subjected to Full English breakfasts… missing the absolute best parts of a fry up; square sausage and tattie scone

  9. Main_Department on

    From that headline I like to imagine he just went for the full English breakfast all at once. Sausage, bacon, fried eggs, toast, beans, hash browns. The lot! 

    All stuffed in simultaneously.

    Get it down ya lad! 

    Be hard not to choke at that point but what a way to go! 

  10. CMDR_Crook on

    Very sad, but I hope at 97 I’m getting a full English some days. Saved all of us they did.

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