Jagmeet Singh fordert die Ministerpräsidenten auf, seiner Zusage nachzukommen und die Umsatzsteuer von Gütern des täglichen Bedarfs zu streichen



  1. ScrawnyCheeath on

    I’ll give Singh this, he is at least acting like someone with a real shot at becoming PM, even if the polls indicate that reality isn’t coming to pass

  2. iDareToDream on

    This doesn’t stop retailers from just increasing prices. It’s not the taxes making those things expensive – in some cases in can be due to collusion, or in others due to pricing elsewhere in the supply chain. If they and the provinces really want to help people with making things affordable, there are some more concrete ideas that would help:

    * Go back to remote work or reduced hybrid so people can save money on transportation and child care
    * Allow more telecom competition so people pay less per month on internet and phone
    * Cap auto insurance
    * Crack down on price fixing or collusion for groceries
    * Get lagging provinces to pony up their share for the 10$/day childcare program (looking at you Ontario)
    * Address housing affordability

    Those things would do a lot more to help people have more cash in hand to get essentials rather than cutting sales taxes. I’m just getting more and more disappointed with the NDP that this is the best they can come up with.

  3. Tax breaks on essentials with plans to target corporations known for price gouging sounds like something voters would want.

  4. ArtByMrButton on

    This is good policy for the NDP. While they’re at it maybe they can force retailers to disclose the full after tax price of goods on price tags, instead of making consumers try to do the math themselves. It’s not reasonable to expect consumers to calculate the tax especially when they might not know what items are taxed and what items are exempt. Would be a good idea to make sure the amount of tax is disclosed on price tags as well for transparency. Completely normal in most other parts of the world, but in North America we have to do things in a less convenient way for some reason.

  5. spinosaurs70 on

    This is a silly, populist move; if we need to subsidize daily essentials, just do that. All this does is make implementing taxes more of a pain.

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