Mut betrifft mein Team

Von tarn_198


  1. Dominus-Augustus on

    Vendim i hidhur ama edhe i drejte dhe i pritur sipas meje. Ne krejt mediat e huaja edhe ne r/Europe u kritiku shume largimi nga fusha ne minuten e 94. Nuk mund ta ndalesh lojen vetem se dikush bertet “Serbia, Serbia”. Edhe Ukrainasit po provokohen ne cdo ndeshje nga lloj lloj tifoz ama ata po fokusohen ne loje e jo ne publike. Kosoves i duhen sa me shum miq e me pak armiq. Konflikti me rumunet i inicuar nga fansat serb ne stadium ishte komplet i panevojshem dhe i sherben vetem Serbise se ata e kan per qellim ta demonizojne Kosoven me secilin. Eh, mend per tjera here.

  2. Jo gabim je plotesisht, mir ja kan bo sluhet me karuca qe pa pas kurfar pune me neve shkojn hajn mut, su kan qellimi loja po nderi, edhe me ja pas dhan fitoren kosoves 3-0 prap kish shku rumania per rregullen e 8 (sjellja sportive) kush ka ma pak kartona, e kan dit kta t kosoves edhe para se me lan lojen thjesht sluhet me ata kopila. Boll mir e kan bo qe kan lan lojen bile vyn met kast mos me lu mo as ni loj n rumani let shkojn n kar ta bashk me pikt.

    Edhe pse pajtona qe menyra ma e mir me jav mshell gojen atyne rumenve tkarit qe si do kerkush u kan me i rras golla pe dim kejt qe kosova ska both per asi sene. Pra jo mir ja kan bo qe kan lan.

  3. Guys with all due respect, what did you expect?

    No team can leave the pitch.

  4. Odd-Count9411 on

    Proud of Kosova. Enough is enough, even if it costs us 3 points. We proved that we play football, we proved that we love our country.

  5. Uefa never takes albania and Kosova seriously. We barely got 3 point against serbia.

  6. AndreiIsaila on

    You actually did us a favour, with these 3 points we won Leage C and have extra chances for World Cup Qualifiers. 👀 Too bad, you played much better.

    But jokes aside all of this is regrettable and I hope it won’t happen again. I think only a small number of people were chanting “Serbia, Serbia” and they were quickly overshadowed be people chanting “Romania”. But even so, given your country’s history and ongoing struggles with Serbia this was very triggering, and I understand the reaction.

  7. bossibosav on

    Vendim i pritur pas nje veprimi amatoresk dhe femijeror prej djemve tane. Me rendsi kan fitu llajka dhe “respektË” ne fb.

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