Das „Mississippi-Wunder“: Nachdem Mississippi in die frühkindliche Alphabetisierung investiert hatte, schoss es in der NAEP-Rangliste vom 49. auf den 29. Platz nach oben. Der durchschnittliche Anstieg der NAEP-Werte betrug 8,5 Punkte sowohl für Lesen als auch für Mathematik. Die Investition kostete nur 15 Millionen US-Dollar.
Correction: The investment cost $15million *per year* according to the article (“The budget was about $15 million per year”).
Still pretty a pretty cheap way to accomplish increased literacy. It’s almost as if spending more on schools and education can lead directly to improvements.
This won’t stop people in general from assuming that everyone in MS is illiterate. Which really just goes to prove that people don’t actually understand statistics, and will proudly look for any reason to look down on people they consider beneath them based on where they were born.