Lebenswichtige Meeresströmung schwächt sich aufgrund der Eisschmelze bereits ab: Eine Studie, die die Auswirkungen der Eisschmelze modelliert, deutet darauf hin, dass Wissenschaftler das Risiko unterschätzt haben, dass eine wichtige Meeresströmung zum Stillstand kommt und ein Klimachaos verursacht
1 Comment
SS: This is another example of how chaos theory applies to modern civilization. We have changed the natural cycles of the planet that sustain life with our activity. We can do a lot with renewable energy, smarter design and engineering across all industries. But what are we going to do about things like this? Can we reverse this or slow it? To me, we are on a bullet train headed off the cliff and most people are toasting to crypto and AI while the girls dance for likes and views. A few of us are sober and not amused, looking out the window and seeing that we are headed off the cliff sooner than most think. Just my two cents. I’ve been an optimist most of my life but today I’m starting to see that I’ve just been trying to avoid the blunt truth that we really are headed for self-destruction fueled by hubris and delusion rooted in separation from nature.