Das Strafbataillon Shkval der 28. Mechanisierten Brigade greift russische Stellungen an der Torezk-Front an, gesteuert von Drohnen und unter umfangreichem Einsatz von Granaten. Es wird berichtet, dass während der Kämpfe zwei russische Soldaten gefangen genommen und zwei getötet wurden. Veröffentlicht am 20. November 2024
Von Hotrico
So this unit is made up of former prisoners that signed up to fight? I remember reading about it.
Always nice seeing prisoners taken. Good work
Is he wearing white sneakers at 0:48?
The difference in competence of Ukrainian penal battalions and Russian ones is honestly disturbing.
To be honest, if I was a criminal behind bars while my country was being attacked I’d be as pissed off as the next guy. I’td be a much better use of my time to help out with whatever skills I could bring to the table. Being a criminal dosent mean you don’t care about your country.