Division der russischen Armee von Desertionen eines „ganzen Regiments“ getroffen: Bericht



  1. Honestly i wish the deserters the best and that they get to leave Russia and its front, they’re probably treated better as POW’s than they’d be under their commanders, and are showing more bravery by leaving than those who delude themselves into fighting a pointless war for a dictator that doesn’t need them back alive.

  2. SendStoreMeloner on

    >Since February 2022, 11,700 cases of unauthorized abandonment of a unit‎ reached military courts, and the number of cases reaching the courts each month began increasing in March of last year, reaching a new high in nearly 1,000 cases per month in July 2024.

    There is most likely very very more cases that are fixed before they reach court.

  3. DefenestrationPraha on

    Take this info with a grain of salt. These people may be deceased instead, but for a putative “deserteur”, the Russian command doesn’t have to pay any compensation to their families.

  4. Gee, have your life expectancy measured in mere *hours*, or go AWOL and sneak away…

  5. nomad-socialist on

    Ukraine should form a Russian Liberation Army of those who are willing

  6. Sigh can you stop, Putin? Your bald headed frail ego is murdering close to a million people now. No you cannot have pre 1990s Ukraine back. The Soviet Union is dead. Fuxk off.


  7. Cheap-Comfortable-50 on

    if this is real they are the smart ones, If I was in their shoes I’m not going to kill because my leaders tell me I must kill for the good of the state, I would rather be put to death or workcamps then murder.

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