Pallone sagt, er sei auf der Klimakonferenz von aserbaidschanischen Regierungstruppen ins Visier genommen worden
Pallone says he was targeted by Azerbaijani government forces at climate conference
Von Yurkovskii
Pallone sagt, er sei auf der Klimakonferenz von aserbaidschanischen Regierungstruppen ins Visier genommen worden
Pallone says he was targeted by Azerbaijani government forces at climate conference
Von Yurkovskii
Also a video about the [press conference]( available
Well if Trump takes the policy of hurt one American we will fuck up your whole country then this could be good.
They really can’t help themselves can they? They are on the world stage and they still can’t help but behave this way
It’s remarkable how much Aliyev has been emboldened since 2020. Do you think he would have ever dared to openly try to beat up US congressmen before that?
Lol no way Azerbaijan would do such a thing. Oh wait, they are a garbage regime, of course they will.