Hell yeah, give them a flavor of their own medicine
Reasonable-Rice1299 on
When we see video of Russians walking through lines like this and seeing mass casualties is this what probably did it? I’m sure it’s a mix but this looks like it would create that aftermath.
Captainwelfare2 on
Well, it *was* a trench anyway
jason_goodman_2014 on
GBU ? Glide Bomb from Ukraine?
1Wheel_Smoke_n_Toke on
I don’t know, maybe one more just to be completely sure that you vaporized anything resembling a human or human made objects!
Irish_Caesar on
Who thought Ukraine would be conducting tactical airstrikes almost 3 years into full blown war
Man that would hurt like hell
Hell yeah, give them a flavor of their own medicine
When we see video of Russians walking through lines like this and seeing mass casualties is this what probably did it? I’m sure it’s a mix but this looks like it would create that aftermath.
Well, it *was* a trench anyway
GBU ? Glide Bomb from Ukraine?
I don’t know, maybe one more just to be completely sure that you vaporized anything resembling a human or human made objects!
Who thought Ukraine would be conducting tactical airstrikes almost 3 years into full blown war