Die Besatzung eines behinderten russischen APC wurde im CQB von ukrainischen Soldaten getötet, als sie versuchten zu fliehen

Von aNuggetsUncle


  1. At the point, it seems like your best bet would be putting your undies on a stick and waving them out of the hatch.

  2. beatmeatonly on

    How is the wounded man the operator guns down a threat? Invader yes, but also a human being. It isn’t my country so IDK how this UA man feels to gun down someone like that, but I know I as an American don’t support violating the Geneva Convention.

  3. Are you sure thats the crew? I mean that vehicle looks old with one trench already and a foot path towards it

  4. Illustrious_Age_9143 on

    1:47 a Ukrainian killing russian. If tape markings remain true.

  5. Suspicious_Book_3186 on

    Wonder where that last guy came from, kinda looks like UA go in the side door, but he’s not there in any of the clips after they’re already in there. Maybe that WAS a russian?

    * kinda seems like UA are not in the trench, but on the opposite side. I think the RU popped out to throw a name or something, and then the last clip is after UA cleared around the BTR

  6. CasuallyWise on

    Little room for hesitation and second guessing – if you want to survive yourself.

  7. Dikkavinci on

    Surrendering is intelligent, dying is dumb. You can’t help your country once you are dead.


    It’s a BTR-4, this is Ukrainian getting shot.

  8. LittleLoyal16 on

    So OP’s title is not correct. Its definitely UA soldiers killing Russians but theyre not the crew. Just some RU guys hiding in a disabled UA BTR 4.

    Probably the remnants of a failed assault just hiding in random spots.

  9. Dikkavinci on

    We see a lot of people overlap their legs, is this a pain reaction?

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