Crazy to think there’s 3x-5x that many bullets actually flying around with 66-80% unseen.
Edited my comment because of incorrect math/different weapon systems
DatSass on
The music ruins this entire thing.
creamgetthemoney1 on
Can somebody Link got this works. It looks like different round s
UllrHellfire on
WW2 type shit
Suchamoneypit on
Does someone have this without the horrible music instead of epic gunfire?
Hippoman12 on
Isn’t posting this kind of footage illegal in Ukraine? as it violates OPSec and gives away AA positions?
aaabutwhy on
A lot of people from the west dont know this, but during the soviet time (and after, too, but that history is kinda too recent) odessa was considered a cultural center for music, comedy, film, … i think maybe even rivaling moscow. There were many songs created about this beautiful city, and in this video one of those songs is played.
E: btw im not saying the music fits or makes the vid better, i actually think it makes it worse, but im just contextualizing
Crazy to think there’s 3x-5x that many bullets actually flying around with 66-80% unseen.
Edited my comment because of incorrect math/different weapon systems
The music ruins this entire thing.
Can somebody Link got this works. It looks like different round s
WW2 type shit
Does someone have this without the horrible music instead of epic gunfire?
Isn’t posting this kind of footage illegal in Ukraine? as it violates OPSec and gives away AA positions?
A lot of people from the west dont know this, but during the soviet time (and after, too, but that history is kinda too recent) odessa was considered a cultural center for music, comedy, film, … i think maybe even rivaling moscow. There were many songs created about this beautiful city, and in this video one of those songs is played.
E: btw im not saying the music fits or makes the vid better, i actually think it makes it worse, but im just contextualizing