John Ivison: Es bedeutet nicht, die Kultur abzuschaffen, Menschen zum Schweigen zu bringen, die den Terrorismus fördern


  1. russilwvong on

    > “We beg Allah to honour us and place us among the martyrs,” he said.

    The principle of freedom of speech in a liberal society does not extend to calls for the violent overthrow of that society.

  2. Downtown-Word1023 on

    “Wishing people Merry Christmas is worse than murder”


  3. >John Ivison: It’s only ‘cancel culture’ when I disagree with it


  4. TangyReddit on

    when ‘terrorism’ is a political term used against one’s ideological opponents it is!

  5. KingDave46 on

    “Cancel culture” is what people who are butthurt they’ve been caught doing stuff call “accountability”

    Hate speech in any form can be told to fuck off. You have freedom of speech, not freedom of repercussions in public opinion or freedom to be hosted on all social media platforms.

  6. WorldcupTicketR16 on

    No one, literally NO ONE, said it was “cancel culture”. It’s easy to refute an argument that you invented out of whole cloth.

    >Being obnoxious is not illegal but radicalizing young Muslims by glorifying martyrdom certainly should be.

    >Kathrada has posted [two videos on his Facebook page ]( recent months that discuss the supposed beauty of dying in the name of the faith. Martyrs will be forgiven all sins and shown their place in paradise, where they will be married to “72 black-eyed houris,” he said.

    So? Unlike John Ivison inventing this “it’s cancel culture” argument, Kathrada did not invent any of this. All of this stuff is mainstream Islamic belief that all faithful Muslims believe. Maybe we should make the Qur’an and hadiths illegal also?

    It’s not cancel culture, it’s just plain censorship all because he’s Pro-Palestinian.

  7. Kitchen-sink-fixer on

    its not islamaphobia either. Its just pure old fashioned human decency.

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