Polnischer Außenminister: Europas größte Länder sind bereit, der Ukraine zu helfen, wenn die USA zurücktreten



  1. octahexxer on

    europe has no choice unless they want the war to spread beyond ukraines borders…russia must fail in ukraine there is no other choice….the aid will continue

  2. Noidea_whats_goingon on

    hang on….does that mean that they’re not helping at max capacity right now? are they in fact letting the US spend money, and hardware, on the european war that threatens to spill into non-ukraine nations without enough resources committed, thereby weakening preparedness in other potential conflict scenarios? (Taiwan)

    I mean I absolutely HATE to ask this, but…does the MAGA right have…god this tastes terrible in my mouth…a legit point?

  3. Flimsy_List8004 on

    If the US wants to talk to Europe about paying their way I know where they can start.

    Let’s calculate how much their misadventures around the world have cost the EU in immigration and refugees. 

  4. Bicentennial_Douche on

    Here an idea: let’s aid Ukraine now, regardless of US support. 

  5. Illustrious-Toe-8992 on

    As a European, we can and must do more. It’s a very complex situation. Europe has followed America and has probably done less to invest in their own military for the past few decades – knowing that uncle Sam will have our backs.

    That being said, we have also been there for America in it’s hour of need. In return for American support and dollars, America gets allies, powerful allies who believe in it’s historical #1 export – freedom and democracy. It allows them to project power, both soft and hard abroad.

    No super power is completely super without allies. If America shrinks from this conflict and pursues a policy of isolation – major harm will be done to it’s reputation and economy. This is of course their democratic right, which should be respected – let’s hope it’s not so.

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