Schönen Dienstag euch allen.

    Von icedoutkatana


    1. tesznyeboy on

      Looking at Europe, it’s the typical countries Americans think of when they hear “Europe”.

    2. NameTheEpithet on

      Why? Does he have a reason? Or do the countries just fit a rhyme? Fucking odd ass map, meaning the specificity.

    3. StrongAdhesiveness86 on

      It is getting fucking crazy how it absolutely never misses. r/PORTUGALCYKABLYAT

    4. You have Guinea colored on the map, but you use the flag of Guinea-Bissau (sorry for being pedantic).

      When Americans think of “Europe” it’s usually the UK, France, Germany and Italy plus maybe a couple of others like Greece and Spain due to cultural influences or summer holidays.

      The British, whom the Americans reflexively associate with Europe, are themselves very ambivalent about being and feeling “European”.

    5. wildingflow on

      *Smoking weed from Nigeria ah ah*

      *Take a trip to Jamaica*

      *I’m so cold in Siberia ah ah*


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