1. Playful-Tumbleweed10 on

      Obviously the most is Putin’s Russia, but how about a per capita map of the same thing? Problem with this is that the countries with a larger population are naturally going to have a larger overall number of poisonings.

    2. Ok_Mastodon_7301 on

      I am Chinese, and I can confirm this,that most of my countryman who die from poisoning are people from Yunnan Province who eat wild mushrooms. 红伞伞 白杆杆 吃了一起躺板板

    3. Population map. Can the data be expressed as poisoning per Putins (PPP)?

    4. Silver-Machine-3092 on

      Is this per capita or just another meaningless per country map?

    5. ShoresideVale on

      Surprised Australia isn’t higher on the list considering its the place with the most poisonous things that want to kill you including the sun.

    6. mroctopuswiener on

      Even though this is a population map, the fact that Russia, a country with a third of the US population, is so high really says something.

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