Der französische Präsident und EU-Außenbeauftragte lobte die Entscheidung der USA, der Ukraine zu erlauben, Russland mit Langstreckenraketen anzugreifen, und sagte, dass Russland den Krieg durch den Angriff auf Nordkorea eskaliert habe. Die Kremlbeamten antworteten mit Drohungen und behaupteten, dies bedeute eine direkte Beteiligung des Westens am Krieg


  1. GardenWitty6871 on

    Now, if a Ukrainian missile hits Russia’s energy infrastructure, Russians will feel what it’s like to be without electricity and heat, and winters in Russia are not as mild as in Ukraine!

  2. johnsmith1234567890x on

    If we are participating in war then no need for other red lines, no?

    Might as well send the french to help like Macron proposes

  3. darth_revan900414 on

    How odd. I thought they said the West was direct participant with the first MANPADs and Stingers…

  4. Since now Ukrainian guys have learned how to fight, I think they will be able to hit quite accurately…

  5. Well, that presumably means Russia will target the west directly, right?

    .. Right?

  6. DumbledoresShampoo on

    If we are already participating, just send EUs coalition of the willing to finish the job.

  7. Former_Dark_Knight on

    Every day Russian troops are still in Ukraine is an escalation by Russia.

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