Die Anwältin für nationale Sicherheit fordert Liz Cheney auf, das Land nach Trumps Amtseinführung für eine Weile zu verlassen



  1. thedeuce75 on

    I would if I was her, but if she stays I’ll have to respect her more for it. To be clear I’m not a fan of her stance on policies, but I do think she’s got some balls (figuratively).

  2. Heavy-Excuse4218 on

    I don’t think Liz should either listen or leave.

    I don’t like all of her politics but if Trump has her arrested she becomes a Martyr and frankly if he’s going to go that far, then we will need a Martyr with a public stage to highlight the downfall of Democracy.

    It’s a sad reality but a reality nonetheless

  3. greenascanbe on

    We are about to find out what the weaponization of the DOJ will actually look like because these people are crazy.

  4. Sublime-Prime on

    This alone shows why Democracy is in peril though Trump has long history of big promises and 0 follow through

  5. Alternative: We put her and Trump in the ring and let them box it out.

  6. Stoogefrenzy3k on

    It’ll be down to the states.. how will they handle their National Guard. Will they stand up to be united? That’s why it’s called the “United” States. Or will they do the Trump method to be trumping others by allowing hate and proud boys KKK, Neo Nazis, There’s so much to be concerned the fact cryptocurrency and how they could destruct the economy. It seems plausible for a civil war if the states and their leaders don’t cooperate. They should have stopped Trump. They should have stopped Elon from all those things he has access to.

  7. ThisHalfBakedGuy on

    Sorry. He can’t just lock people up because he hates them. The right forgets that Trump committed countless crimes that put him in legal peril….actual cause to do so. All this bullshit fluff they make up as retaliation doesn’t actually clock in the real world.

  8. Unlike most of his little cucks she won’t buck. I don’t like the woman but she’s clearly got bigger balls than most.

  9. Ireallyhatemyjobalot on

    These MAGA officials sure do want targets on their backs

  10. Gumbi_Digital on

    My guess is he’ll arrest Biden as well for the Afghanistan withdrawal and classified documents in the garage.

  11. Man.Thayer playing with fire. If there’s a deep state they may not like one of their own getting disappeared.

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