Russische Kommandeure wegen übertriebener Gewinne auf dem Schlachtfeld festgenommen: Berichte


    1. Direct-Bag-6791 on

      The russian ministry of defense must be sweating like hell, just wait until uncle Vlad finds out that the russian army has NOT in fact destroyed 4000 Leopard 2’s, killed a bazillion ukrainian nazis and the entire Nato army and has not shot down 300 F-15 fighters, 24 B-2 bombers and that it actually was not Olivia Dunne who tugged his willy last night in the dark but this old hobo who Patriarch Kirill found during his cruising of moscow underground gay scene

    2. PriorWriter3041 on

      Kinda funny.

      Russian commanders wanted to visit the front, only to find out the settlements they supposedly had “liberated” where not under russian control. So they got pissed

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