Die meisten Schweizer zweifeln an der Fähigkeit der Politik, mit dem Klimawandel umzugehen


Von Realistic-Lie-8031


  1. ricardo_sousa11 on

    Paying taxes doesnt fix anything.

    The top 1% pollutes more than the bottom 60%, if we want to tackle climate, it isnt with paper bags and EVs.

    Climate change is a problem only for the poor.

  2. Andrejfsantos on

    What bothers me is that most people want other people to make changes , but not on themselves, and this is proven be consumption. Also we export the emissions to others countries and then import the products, making it overall worse due to less regulation on others countries plus transport.

  3. What ? The late-capitalistic neo-liberal lobbied-to-death crooked politicians don’t have the public trust about climate change ? How could that be !

  4. How could they – it’s wildly unpopular. It requires drastic and costly measures, something diametrally opposed to a successful political career.

  5. postmodernist1987 on

    Is this about Swiss politicians?

    Trump’s new ‘drill baby drill’ policy is estimated to create 4 billion tonnes of additional CO2 by 2030 (5 years from taking office). [https://www.axios.com/2024/03/06/co2-emissions-trump-biden-scenarios](https://www.axios.com/2024/03/06/co2-emissions-trump-biden-scenarios) In 2023, there were just under 40 billion tonnes of CO2 emmitted globally. [https://www.iea.org/reports/co2-emissions-in-2023/executive-summary](https://www.iea.org/reports/co2-emissions-in-2023/executive-summary) So that means that Trump’s new policy will increase global CO2 emmissions by about 2% per year (equivalent to 2 additional Switzerlands) just because of this one policy.

    Of course this is a rough estimate and the real numbers will be different but it gives an impression on how policy decisions made in Switzerland and our own behavior have negligible effect compared to highly polluting countries like the USA and high population countries like India and China. We are too small to make any difference.

  6. We wouldn’t vote for a someone speaking the truth and promoting restrictive policies. Business as usual and “trust me bro” are much more marketable.

  7. cryptoislife_k on

    They can’t even deal with normal problems that seem solvable… call me shocked

  8. Fickle-Isopod6855 on

    As sad as it is, I find it obvious that effective action against climate change—or rather its effects—will only occur when directly enforced by Mother Nature.

  9. ItWasTalent on

    Switzerland is already producing 80% of its energy from renewables while only 1% comes from fossil fuels.


    Switzerland produces around 4 tons of CO2 per capita, half of China and less than a third of the USA. Pretty good for such a densely populated and developed country.


    But the doomsayers and extremists will never stop complaining, unless the last humans disappear from earth and the CO2 output is zero. You can‘t argue with these people, it will NEVER be enough, no matter how much a country tries to reduce its emissions.

  10. We tried with CO2-Gesetz, people said no.
    Stop accusing politicians over population. Ones are the mirror of others.

  11. Ok-Cook-360 on

    Just do something yourselves and don’t wait for others… Reduce consummation, waste and energy consumption, prefer quality over cheap china products and change your lifestyle where you can, step by step.
    Saying politicians can’t handle it is a simple stupid excuse.

  12. WeaknessDistinct4618 on

    Climate change is not by country unfortunately. It’s a problem that has no barriers. Too many countries also in Europe have been extremely negligent in addressing the problem.

    When you ask low income people in Italy, Spain, Portugal to upgrade their heating system, their home isolation or their cars; how do you expect them to comply if they can barely arrive end of month with money left?

    Don’t look at the richest country in Europe. The problem is much bigger. Do you want people to comply to rules that have a financial impact on their life? Then promote it.

    Some ideas?

    – Funds to make homes more energy efficient
    – Funds to dump old cars and buy EV
    – Funds to improve public transportation

    Until this happens most of the EU population will not comply

  13. Martini-Espresso on

    I experience climate change on an individual level as ineffective and unattainable. Unfortunately, the problem is overwhelming and I don’t see that it can be solved or influenced through individual efforts. Any war or political industrial change in a developing country has that much greater impact.

  14. The biggest contribution to climate change is transport and energy generating.

    Google, Amazon, Microsoft and many many more dedicate huge amounts of CO2 to do nothing more than advertise to you. The average person doesn’t know a 15 min YouTube Video generates 7.1 gram of CO2 to watch.

    Compare that to a train ride and after a day of listening to music on YouTube you have generated the same CO2 as taking the train to work!

    When you factor in the adverts it jumps enormously to 100g CO2.

    The global shipping contributes about a third of all CO2. Just by not relying on globalisation and adverts we could reduce all CO2 enormously

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