HDI europäischer Länder im Vergleich zum HDI der US-Bundesstaaten mit dem höchsten HDI und dem niedrigsten HDI.

Von _crazyboyhere_


  1. _crazyboyhere_ on

    HDI: HDI or Human Development Index is a composite index that takes life expectancy, education attainment and purchasing power to measure the standard of living of that region

  2. Interesting to see the same map for North America compared with Norway and Moldova.

  3. MagicWalrusO_o on

    The real takeaway here is the *vast* regional inequality that exists within the US.

  4. Fire-Wa1k-With-Me on

    Ngl all these posts about US GDP or HDI compared to other countries are starting to get annoying. Is that karma farming or something?

  5. Lost_the_internet on

    I’ve never seen a more contextually succinct map showing the divide between eastern and western Europe (American who has lived in many states).

  6. Crazy how the only three higher than both are all dead serious about not being in the EU. Maybe there’s a link.


    As a an European who loves to shit on the US, this is Bullshit, reddit likes to misuse HDI it for maps like these. Which are an extreme oversimplification. HDI was created to compare third-world nations in Africa in the 1960s by the UN. Not to compare extremely complex developed economies. It’s not made for that, and it isn’t accurate either, as the parameters are extreme oversimplification.

  8. Kaamos_666 on

    HDI high but a simple surgery costs $10.000? 🤷🏽‍♂️ Thanks, I’ll pass. I’d rather be poor in Turkey.

  9. Tricky-Produce-9521 on

    I’ve never been to Norway, but I have been to Switzerland and boy was it expennnnnsive. I know Norway is too. I wonder if it is very clean effecient and “worth it” for a trip.

  10. arcticrazor on

    Good, good. I hope people use these maps when they migrate, so they don’t come to my country.

    Ps. There is a major influx from the US to my country because they live much much better here. But who am I to say – a reddit nobody vs these sociologists maps

  11. IWillDevourYourToes on

    I’m cheering for you ROMANIA 🇷🇴 👏 ❤️ You can do it 💪 Carpathian tiger less gooo 🇷🇴🇷🇴🇷🇴 Poland of the Balkans 💪💪 (Poland more developed than Engloind by 2030) HDI higher than Switzerland by 2050 you can do this Romania 🇷🇴 make your Roman 🏺🦅🦅 ancestors proud🗿ROMANian Empire by 2040 🇷🇴🇷🇴 its all Romania? 🌍🇷🇴 always has been 👩‍🚀🔫👩‍🚀🇷🇴

  12. ZnarfGnirpslla on

    I feel like it would be more interesting and accurate if we compared subdivision to subdivision rather than countries to subdivisions.

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