Russischer Militärputsch in der Ukraine. Mehrere russische Telegrammkanäle behaupteten gestern, dass mehrere Kommandeure der 3. kombinierten Waffenarmee Russlands festgenommen oder aus ihren Positionen entfernt worden seien, darunter der Kommandeur und Stabschef der Armee sowie der Kommandeur des 7. motorisierten Gewehrs B.
Meatwave tactics were getting too public, so they needed scapegoats and arrested these guys on “suspicion of reckless orders”. It’s a publicity stunt. Nothing more.
They were simply indulging in a classic Russian pastime: never letting bad news go upwards. Unfortunately, they seemed to have stumbled when it came to explaining the whereabouts of their dead soldiers —and in doing so, discovered exactly where the bullshitski line ends.
Just normal Russian scapegoat routines where some ‘middle management’ get sacrificed to keep safe the top leaders.
The whole system is based on lying and corruption, from top to bottom, so it’s easy to make those allegations in cover of a scapegoat operation.
That would be a piss poor putsch.
More pls
This is not putsch. You can read the X. Their commanders were lying about taking some villages and their successful actions, including staged videos and interviews. High commandment came to see one of these taken villages, but surprise surprise, it’s not