Kommunalräte unterzeichnen einen Brief, in dem sie Premier Ford auffordern, Aufrufe zur Anwendung der Abweichungsklausel zu ignorieren


1 Comment

  1. Having shelter beds available before you can dismantle an encampment seems like a reasonable standard, both from a rights perspective as well as just a practical one – if you’re dismantling the shelter of people who quite literally have no other options available to them, of course they’re going to just set up elsewhere, probably alongside losing trust in social workers and the police and stealing a new tent and supplies.

    It’s easy to reflexively choose one side on this issue and go with whatever you feel the “supportive” vs. “punitive” approach is, but I think “encampments stay until there’s at least somewhere for someone to go, even if it’s not ideal for them” should be a place we can find some common ground.

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